Wednesday, November 13, 2013

About the Name refocus

Hello, since I said I would explain more about the name of my little freelance business, here it goes. First of all I didn't capitalize the (r), well mainly because I didn't want to, but also as style choice ( I just think it looks better.) The 2nd thing behind the name is a little more deep ( meaning lengthy ) some of it personal some of it slogan driven.
I had been driving a taxi for 7 years, until the company closed. This was the first time I had to "refocus" what I wanted to do with my life. So I decided to take advantage of my unemployment by going to college. So then I graduated not too long ago, but unfortunately I have found out that most employers want a bachelor's degree. Well guess what time it became??? Yep you guessed it time to refocus! So I decided to become a freelancer. Now as far as the Slogan side of it, I thought of all kinds of tag lines like " Time to get your business back in focus" " refocus on what matters to you" or just "get focused" like I said there are a lot of possibilities with the name. Now all I have to do is get refocused on this freelancing thing and I'll be all right. Oh yeah if you need any help getting your businesses refocused, let me know and we can help each other.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hello everyone, my name is Roger Williams I am 34 years old and live in Kokomo Indiana.  I just started this blog to jump start my plans of being a  freelance Graphic Designer. Since I graduated earlier this year with an associates degree in Visual Communications, I have been unable to find a job in my desired area. Since Graphic Design is what I really want to do and I can not afford to wait around any longer or go back to school for 2 more years, I have decided to start my own freelance Graphic Design business which I have decided to call refocus (and yes the R is not capitalized on purpose.)I will explain more later about the name but that will be another time. I am currently in the beginning stages of the business and I am still learning the ends and outs of what I should or shouldn't be doing. So for right now I really don't have much to report on, I really just wanted to write a post to let people know what I'm about.

I have created a few things that you may want to check out; the first is the community I created for creative/designer type people around where I live, give it a look and join if you like it.
Kokomo Designers Club   

The other Link I would like to share is my own portfolio. 

My portfolio

And now for a little unveiling of the logo......