
On this page I will share with you some of my work and or ideas. For this first one I have chosen the the school project that was named "Cause Poster"

Homes For Our Troops

The assignment for this project was to pick a cause (charity) and make a poster for it, my teacher told us that most people make ones for the Red Cross or Salvation Army, and so we should pick something different.
I chose, which I think is a really good cause (if you have time check it out.) 
Anyways the idea for my poster was that instead of having a picture of a soldier, I would just make a silhouette, which I felt would have more of an impact and force the viewer to read the message, and not just look at the image. I think that my results were good, and I also got voted class favorite, which earned me 3 bonus points (believe it or not that was the only reason I got an A on this project, I guess my teacher didn't like it as much as everyone else.) 

V-man Vette

This Project I had to blend something that was considered a new technology, mixed with Da Vinci's Viturvian Man. I chose to blend my with the new C7 Corvette, since I thought that Da Vinci's line about blending art and science made since here. and it was very cool to see how well the features of the car fit in with the V-Man's body. For example the torso fits so well in the cowl area of the hood and his hands almost fit perfectly where the mirrors are. 

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