Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flower Screen Printing

Flower Screen Printing

So a few weeks ago I mentioned I was enrolled in a plant science class, and that I would have a chance to do a screen print of a flower. At first I thought I would not be able to do it because I was originally suppose to work on Fridays, but they started me out for the first few weeks working on Tue and Thursday. The screen printing is going on this Friday, I hope to post the end result on here. This will be the first time I will do a screen print of any kind, so I hope it turns out good. I have a friend who runs a screen printing company who has offered to teach me, if I come up with a design, problem is I haven't had time to make one since he offered. Maybe this will give me more confidence and motivation, to get on it.
And here it is!

Its been 2 months and I have neglected this blog. At least I have a legitimate reason I have started the fall semester at school taking 4 classes and working 2 days a week at a hotel. So you see I really haven't had the time.

Anyways this is the end result of my screen print I called it " The Coral Queen " since the color is coral and the flower I used was Queen Anne's Lace. I haven't got around to the T-shirt thing with my friend either, but I still hope to one day.

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