Monday, April 21, 2014

Google+ and its oddities

Google+ and its Oddities 

Okay first of all I'll just say that I'm not going to go too deep into this, since it's 11:22 pm and I don't plan on being up for much longer. With that being said let me start with Google+'s number of views thingy (that's the scientific name :) ) I only have 112 or 113  followers on G+ but it says that I now have over 281,000 views, Wow! you'd think if this were true I'd have more followers. Instead it makes me feel like a zoo animal (if it's true, and I think not) people just come by and look at you and then keep walking day after day. Hell if 10% would have added me I'd be doing pretty good on the old internet. 

That takes me to my next point, I don't understand how some people have such a large amount of followers. There are a few types of these people, 1. People who just post random things they find on the net (looks like Tumblr users to me) 2. They have a lot of followers and yet haven't posted anything in over a year or more, or they've posted like 10 things over 2-3 years. Like I said I'm not going deep into this right now, but I may come back and edit this post to add more, but for now that is enough on the followers thingy (again its scientific)

One more thing before I go, another funny thing about Google+ is that Photographers are some of the most popular people. Now that is just awesome since I love photography and design in general. Well just a few things I felt like saying today, and to the few who read this I say thank you! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

A nice little article about SEO

Hello everyone, today I just want to share this article I came across on Zite, here that gives some tips about what photographers should do to increase their visibility on the web. To be a little more specific to help your site show up higher in the search results on Google. One of the tips involves linking, which I have done here, although they will not be linking to my blog( because I have the exact problem they talk about, and that is not being known, I'm trying to work on that) but that's okay hopefully someone will read this blog, and in turn link back to my blog ( hint hint) anyways give it a read, I really think it has some useful pointers and is not too awful long of a read.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

No Bueno

No Bueno

Well I put out some flyers, around town haven't received one nibble yet. I am going to design a new one and try again, but time is running out on my idea of freelancing instead of getting a part time job. School starts on May 19th so after that it will be too difficult to keep up my efforts. I paid for an on Facebook for my side company Photo Saver (check it out and like my page please) which got me a lot of paid views but not one single person contacted me about it. I think that in the case of that page I need to educate people a little more on the services I provide. So I will continue to try, because I will never give up, however there is some good news, the weather here is finally starting to improve, which has given my motivation a boost.