Monday, April 21, 2014

Google+ and its oddities

Google+ and its Oddities 

Okay first of all I'll just say that I'm not going to go too deep into this, since it's 11:22 pm and I don't plan on being up for much longer. With that being said let me start with Google+'s number of views thingy (that's the scientific name :) ) I only have 112 or 113  followers on G+ but it says that I now have over 281,000 views, Wow! you'd think if this were true I'd have more followers. Instead it makes me feel like a zoo animal (if it's true, and I think not) people just come by and look at you and then keep walking day after day. Hell if 10% would have added me I'd be doing pretty good on the old internet. 

That takes me to my next point, I don't understand how some people have such a large amount of followers. There are a few types of these people, 1. People who just post random things they find on the net (looks like Tumblr users to me) 2. They have a lot of followers and yet haven't posted anything in over a year or more, or they've posted like 10 things over 2-3 years. Like I said I'm not going deep into this right now, but I may come back and edit this post to add more, but for now that is enough on the followers thingy (again its scientific)

One more thing before I go, another funny thing about Google+ is that Photographers are some of the most popular people. Now that is just awesome since I love photography and design in general. Well just a few things I felt like saying today, and to the few who read this I say thank you! 

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