Friday, March 14, 2014

The Next Challenge

Well well well, the 30 day challenge has ended now it's time for a new one. Although this challenge will not have an actual updates, unless of course I land a job. So I just gave away my challenge which is to get my first design job. I've printed out a few flyers just to test how well they work, if I don't get any response from this first small batch, I will redesign the flyer and run another test until I nail the one that gets the most attention. I have ordered business cards from Vista Print ( I know that's kind of lame but I'm broke) the really bad thing is my wife was convinced I didn't need a backside to my cards. Okay she doesn't get it! (I'm a designer with a janky business card) But what am I going to do it is her money that I'm buying these things with. I will say this, as soon as I do get a few paying jobs, I will order some proper business cards!

That's all I have for now its not much I realize that, but to the few people who may read this, I thank you! Stick in there with me, and one day I will have some better news, I'd love to share my experience's and projects, I just have to figure out how to get the ball rolling.

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