Thursday, January 16, 2014

B&W photo challenge day #4-"Unfiltered Poison on Sale"

Okay today it snowed(again) I didn't get a chance to leave my house, but luckily yesterday while at the mall I did manage to take this shot in Carson's of the clearance table. So just like yesterday this photo was taken with my Galaxy Nexus. The difference with this photo is that, I only used a basic B&W filter, and made no other adjustments ( so I guess it's not totally unfiltered 😋) I'm learning that this challenge will not be as easy as I thought. I said to myself " how hard can it be to take 1 picture a day?" Well how many times have anyone just took 1 picture and say " yep that's the one!"( never for me) Well I guess that's why they call it a challenge.

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