Tuesday, January 14, 2014

B&W Photo Challenge Day #2 Hand of a Married Man

I call this one Hand of a Married Man. This is my hand, it looks a lot older in Black and White! This was shot with my Nokia D5100 
ISO 200, F/5.6, 1/30 sec. 
That's it for the technical info, but as far as the image goes, I am still getting the hang of my camera. I had the camera on Macro mode instead of manual ( I was being lazy) I did have the camera set to shoot in B&W (as they like to call it monochrome) however for this photo I used the on camera adjustment to make it B&W, other than that no adjustments were made. I promise to try to get out of my house and snap a pic of something more interesting than my hand, but it is winter and I hate being cold.

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