Thursday, January 23, 2014

B&W Photo Challenge Day #7 King James

Okay I know it's been a few days,and mainly thanks to this weather I have not been able to take pictures of anything not of anything that cool so I have to do what I have to do and that is take pictures of random things in stores or around my house. I think I said that was what I was going to do anyways, since I can see the future, not really but anyways this photo was taken with my trust cellphone the Galaxy Nexus. Matter of fact the next few posts are with that camera as well because I'm not going to expose any good camera to this hell (-25 windchill factor) I think not!! 
So this photo I took inside of Sam's club while..... guess what??? waiting for my wife Oh the theme continues! As you can see I heavily tweaked this bad boy in some Google Apps, then just cropped it some in Photoshop.

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