Tuesday, February 4, 2014

B&W Challenge Days #10, 11 and 12 - TJ Maxx Trip

Still Waiting

Well the  weather here really hates me this year and is really effecting my abilities to complete my challenge. Like I stated in a previous post I have resorted to converting some of my old images to B&W, however these three photos I was able to take at my local TJ Maxx. All three were taken with my wife's Iphone 5s I decided to not do any editing on these just to see what some untouched Iphone pics look like, overall I'd have to say they are pretty good (damn you Apple, always good at everything!) I am an Android guy myself but hey you use what you got, and in this case the wife's phone did a pretty good job. Here's to hoping the winter ends soon (of course we are getting another 9 inches tonight!) 

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